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Subscribe to Solara’s Surf Reports

Solara’s Surf Reports are amazingly accurate and a great help in these challenging times!

Monthly Surf Reports of 7 – 11 pages on how to surf the prevailing energies and live a True Life as a True One.

Written by Solara, one of the true visionaries of our time who facilitated the 11:11 Activations and is the author of seven beloved metaphysical books including: “The Star-Borne”, “11:11”, “The Legend of Altazar”, “EL•AN•RA: The Healing of Orion” and the new “Cards of AN”.  Solara lives at the Heart of AN Center in the Sacred Valley of the Incas, Peru.

The Annual Surf Report is freely available to all.
The newest Monthly Surf Reports and Updates are available by subscription in English, German, Russian and Spanish for $11 a month.

Subscriptions can be ordered here:

Profile Picture for Solara

Solara is one of the true Visionaries of our time. She facilitated the twenty-one year cycle of 11:11 Planetary Activations in which hundreds of thousands of people participated worldwide. She has traveled all over the planet giving talks, workshops and special ceremonies to activate the True Ones, so we can live True Lives. Solara lives at the Heart of AN Center in the Sacred Valley of Peru.

She is the author of seven beloved metaphysical books: “The Star-Borne”, “11:11”, “The Legend of Altazar”, “EL•AN•RA – The Healing of Orion”, “How to Live Large on a Small Planet”, “Invoking Your Celestial Guardians” and the new “Cards of AN”.