Monthly Surf Report

Monthly Surf Report

Solara’s January 2020 Surf Report – Aligning with our New True Foundation

From the very beginning of January, everything feels greatly different than previous years. It’s not like we’ve entered a new year ~ but more like we have entered a totally NEW REALITY. There’s a new composition to the air around us that feels full of nutrients. Already our old, familiar landscape is beginning to transform into a completely new landscape full of wondrous, magical new elements, just waiting to be discovered.

January is the first month of our immersion into a New Reality and already so much is happening. We know from aeons of experience that when a New Reality finally anchors, everything that doesn’t resonate with it falls away. And what doesn’t immediately fall away gears up for its final fight for survival. This is when all the completely crazy stuff happens. This is where we are now.

Monthly Surf Report

Solara’s November – December 2019 Surf Report – Now It’s Up to Us!

The old pins of EL•AN•RA that long held duality into position are gone. Duality is now like a phantom without any real substance, trying to convince us that it is real. The only things that keep duality alive is its old muscle memory of how things used to be and by our collective belief that duality is still real. Our everyday choices, limited beliefs, attitudes, self doubts, actions and reactions based on fear are what keep duality alive. If we keep feeding duality and treating it like it’s real, then even though there is nothing holding it into position any more, it will keep appearing like it’s real.

Monthly Surf Report

Solara’s October 2019 Surf Report – Break On Through To The Other Side

Something is changing in the very Fabric of Reality. Those of us who have already anchored ourselves in the New Reality find ourselves occasionally doings things in duality, but we don’t go back and forth, like we used to. We are like travelers from AN who make forays into duality while not losing our connection to the New Reality. This brings us a new kind of acceptance of duality because it’s now become so small. Duality still appears real to many, but it’s not. It’s full of holes and is losing its grip upon us. We are feeling a new level of tiredness because we are now inhabiting an infinitely Greater Reality. We’re not used to this and it makes us feel uncomfortably overstretched.

Monthly Surf Report

Solara’s September 2019 Surf Report – True Decisions

September is a powerful month of great movement that begins on one frequency band and ends on another. We may enter the month with a certain perspective and think that is what’s really happening, but exit the month with a greatly expanded awareness that reveals to us a whole new reality. This is happening because it’s time for many of us to make True Decisions that realign us to our True Path and True Purpose. For some, this shift will be so strong that it will feel like we have become more of our True Selves than we ever imagined possible.

Monthly Surf Report

Solara’s August 2019 Surf Report – The Lid Comes Off!

August is the month when the LID COMES OFF. This is a direct result of the ongoing collapse of the old Timeline. This is the lid that has kept us in limited situations and clouded our perceptions of what is real ~ the lid which has continually kept us smaller than we truly are. It is also the lid that prevented certain things from happening. It is the lid which has covered the illusions and now that it is coming off, all the layers of illusion are coming up to the surface to be fully seen before they evaporate. As the lid comes off, the dam breaks and energy long held back breaks free and spills forth.

Monthly Surf Report

Solara’s July 2019 Surf Report – Changing the Codes of the EL•AN•RA

At the beginning of July, there’s the feeling that we are in the midst of a massive tempest ~ not just a worldly storm, but far vaster than that. Many elements have been catapulted up into the air ~ the air is full of them ~ and the energies are churning away. Much is becoming unpinned from their old positions on multiple levels. It may feel like there are more elements flying through the air than ones that have landed into their True Positions. ~ this is because so much is getting unpinned from duality. Yet more and more elements are clicking into position than ever before.

Monthly Surf Report

Solara’s June 2019 Surf Report – The Cow

….We need to gather our courage and strongly follow our Heart’s Knowingness with our full integrity. These are the times for the fearless, for those who dare to openly embody their Love ~ for the True Ones whose only option is to constantly LOOK LARGER, LIVE LARGER and LOVE LARGER. There can be no more passively waiting for something to change without our participation. We can no longer sit on the sidelines as a detached observer. CLEAR, DECISIVE ACTIONS FOR THE GOOD OF ALL have to be made by us ~ not just for our own personal gratification….

Monthly Surf Report

Solara’s May 2019 Surf Report – Reverse Spirals

For many months we have been Walking the Razor’s Edge. Every step we’ve been making has had to be a true step. If we haven’t been making true steps, our path will become more narrow and our razor more sharp. Yet, if we’ve been making true steps, we will discover in May that the path in front of us is now widening. The Razor’s Edge is not as sharp as it was before. As we walk out of duality, it’s like walking out of a narrow canyon whose walls close behind us. This gives us a sense of escaping into a state of NO DOWN – NO RETURN. As we step into greater authenticity, the landscape before us expands. We are now walking on our True Path. And more and more doors open before us….

Monthly Surf Report

Solara’s March 2019 Surf Report – Walking Into the Beyond

March is a Make or Break month where we will begin to clearly see the separation of the false and the True. It’s a powerful month full of surprises and unexpected, perhaps shocking, events in which we will be greatly challenged to bring forth new facets of our beings and become more REAL and more TRUE than ever before.

There was much happening under the surface during the first two months of this year. Now, these previously submerged waves are crashing up to the surface with tremendous power. They will knock us off of our old positions and catapult us into surprising directions. At times, they create some patches of extremely Choppy Surf. This Choppy Surf will force us to quickly jettison many of our duality-based behaviors and beliefs – as we finally see that they only keep us miserable and disempowered, rather than serving us.

Monthly Surf Report

Solara’s February 2019 Surf Report – Making a Better World

January and February are transitional months which lead to a dynamic and intense March. February emphasizes REST, RESET, REPOSITIONING and PREPARATION. We are still sorting through everything, cleaning it all and moving things to their True Positions. It’s funny that January felt calm and gentle, but it wasn’t. February also feels quiet and peaceful, but it’s not. Perhaps we are getting used to the intensity or maybe our expanded, true beings are operating on a totally new level.


Monthly Surf Report

Solara’s January 2019 Surf Report – Setting our New Templates

We begin January by entering a powerful Eclipse corridor between January 5 and January 20. This is when lots of wondrous surprises happen. Positive changes, fortuitous meetings, unexpected opportunities and all sorts of breakthroughs pop into our lives without any prior warning. I know two people who just got wonderful new jobs this month. Some of these surprises come from the realm of Beyond our Wildest Dreams….


….Many of us have been stopped from our old ways of doing things. This either happened last year or it is happening now. Sometimes it happens naturally, while other times we are forced to change our old ways. At first this can feel frustrating, but after we realize that this is happening for our greater good, we stop all resistance and turn our attention into enthusiastically discovering new ways of living.

Monthly Surf Report

Solara’s December 2018 Surf Report – Exploring our New Dynamic

In December we step deeper into the new Timeline and enter a completely new dynamic. This is no longer the time to follow our old pursuits and expired dreams. A whole new world and an entirely new way of living is right in front of us. Touchstones of the New Reality are already appearing in our lives on a very tangible basis and many more are coming. These touchstones are not just simple decorations ~ like hanging up a Sun-Moon symbol; they are much more than that. They are creations which did not exist before, which are being birthed directly from the Invisible.