Monthly Surf Report

Solara’s December 2017 Surf Report – Finding our Entry Point into 2018

December will give us a clear look at where we now stand. It will also give us the opportunity for huge shifts, if we so choose. It’s a month of multiple possibilities in which everything will be culminating. With this comes a welcome opportunity to take a good look at all aspects of our lives. Everything will escalate in 2018 ~ the chaos and the New. It’s all up to us. Where do we focus our consciousness? What do we believe to be possible? What is real? What do we choose to experience? Which reality are we going to inhabit?

Monthly Surf Report

Solara’s November 2017 Surf Report – Alignment with our True Direction

November is a month of RESET and Rebirth in which many of us will experience Quantum Leaps on numerous levels which will enable us to free ourselves from the snares of duality like never before. Some of us are going deep inside our inner control panels to finally dismantle our fear mechanisms. It’s so important that we don’t carry these old fears with us anymore. We will also be dissolving false limitations and expired beliefs. We are also resetting our entire relationship with money in order to attune ourselves with greater abundance.

Monthly Surf Report

Solara’s October 2017 Surf Report – If It Happens to One of Us, It Happens to ALL of Us

Old structures continue to break down, bringing much confusion and chaos. At the same time, the New Reality becomes noticeably stronger. New values and new priorities are becoming increasingly visible. The extensive fallout from all the hurricanes, wildfires, earthquakes, floods and volcanoes we’ve been experiencing will have profound impacts for many months to come. These events are stripping away layers upon layers of all that is untrue and bringing us a major shift in what we have previously considered reality. This is unleashing massive change.

October is full of amazing opportunities for profound transformation. Not a stone will be left unturned as we make it through the final months of this year. It is incredible how much is shifting every single day. As we make our way forward into a New True Reality through the obstacle course of these super challenging times, everything built on a false foundation is crumbling.

Monthly Surf Report

Solara’s September 2017 Surf Report – Red Light ~ RESET ~ Rebirth

Since June, we’ve been feeling discomfort in the areas of our lives that need to change. Expired elements that need to be released have become increasingly obvious. This has been especially noticeable in our expired living situations, jobs, friends, activities and ingrained habits. We are discovering that we can’t carry our old baggage with us for one more step; nor can we continue to live out our old stories. A massive bonfire is taking place with many elements of our past ~ our old stories, our old preferences, our old beliefs and our old dreams burning away….

September moves us to new ways of doing things with our vastly altered perceptions. We do not know at this moment how things will happen, but we know that we are moving towards the realization of much of what we have wanted. This is an emptiness with a special sense of sacred pause.

Monthly Surf Report

Solara’s August 2017 Surf Report – Forged in the Fires of Transformation

August is a major Turning Point of NO DOWN – NO RETURN. Many of us will realize that we’ve reached the obvious end of a long cycle and can’t return to The Way Things Used To Be. This will cause everything we’ve known to undergo an immense restructuring and will require us to make lots of internal and external adjustments. Every so often, we may encounter sinkholes when segments of what we used to believe as true suddenly drop away.

After August, nothing will ever be the same. It’s funny how more and more people are becoming internally free, while at the same moment, we have less and less external freedom. This perhaps, should disturb us more than it does. I myself have the feeling that we will grow too big to fit into the confinements that are being imposed upon us and will burst out of our illusory shackles. Vast beings like us cannot be contained. It’s like trying to put handcuffs on empty clothes.

Monthly Surf Report

Solara’s July 2017 Surf Report – Becoming Truer, No Matter What

July brings accelerated change, challenging situations and yet more shocking events with lots of bumps and adjustments. It also gives us numerous opportunities to learn a lot ~ both what to do and what NOT to do.

July isn’t a linear month in which things happen in a logical, linear progression. Instead, it is crammed full of swirling, spiraling circular energies which are laden with the unexpected. If I was to make a drawing of July, I would fill my paper with a multitude of messy circles in all sizes and colors. These circles wouldn’t be in any order; they would be all over the place, overlapping each other in a chaotic profusion. Immediately we might wonder, “How in the heck am I going to navigate through THIS?”

Monthly Surf Report

Solara’s June 2017 Surf Report – The Expansion of the True New Reality

June is about integrating the massive, in depth transformation that has just taken place. It’s about unhooking ourselves from our old ways and taking decisive steps into the New Reality. Fortunately, it’s now become obvious what lifestyle changes we need to make. It’s rather impossible to fit into the clothes we wore as a child, or perhaps even last week, so we might as well look for new ones which fit us properly, align with who we are, and make us feel beautiful.

Monthly Surf Report

Solara’s April 2017 Surf Report – The Push to the Summit

April is a super intense month that brings us CHANGE and more CHANGE on numerous levels. There will be many endings as well as wondrous New Beginnings. April is full of extremely mixed energy which continue to be mirrored in our weather.

For the changes that we most want to manifest into our lives, we first have to make the changes within ourselves. If we want new, more loving and more true energies in the world, then we must become new, more loving and true. The most important thing we can do is to unhook ourselves from the linear programming of duality and anchor ourselves in the Third Point BEYOND duality. From this position, the desired changes will definitely come!

It’s time to shift from being shocked, enraged or saddened by the events playing out in duality so we can be proactive. If we are constantly reacting to all the wrongs in the world, we are like pawns who get tossed this way and that in the wind. But when we anchor our beings BEYOND duality, we can bring about the changes in the world which are most needed.

Monthly Surf Report

Solara’s March 2017 Surf Report – The Blueprint of the New Reality

March will bring us huge waves of Quantum Surf, both on personal levels and for us as a collective. We can already feel the energy building up for this. As we now know, all shifts aren’t necessarily easy or pretty. They demand us to constantly take off the distorted glasses of duality and look BEYOND all outer appearances. Quantum Surf challenges us to continue to be ultra alert of where we place our focus….

There’s the feeling that our entire landscape, both inner and outer, is being greatly reconfigured, even though some things may outwardly appear to be the same as before. Every month of this year brings us more elements which are On the Line. We know that we have already gone well past the Point of No Return.

Monthly Surf Report

Solara’s February 2017 Surf Report – Living in Paradox

February feels a lot like giving birth. There is such an intensity, but no option of stopping what we are doing. Just like when we are in the midst of labor giving birth to a baby, we can’t suddenly pretend that we’re having a normal day and decide to go out and see a movie. We have to put our full beings into the present moment of the HERE and NOW. Yet, even though everything is super intense and concentrated, there’s also a sense of exhilaration and great excitement about the impending birth which spurs us on.

Monthly Surf Report

Solara’s January 2017 Surf Report – The Feathers of the Firebird

The past year of the Fire Monkey saw a lot of crazy swinging from one extreme to another and a lot of global crises. The wild antics of Monkeys tend to create chaos, especially the Fire Monkey, but this Monkey chaos always leads to awakening and transformation. This is why the Monkey years are always followed by a Rooster year. The Monkey stirs up the pot and breaks apart established structures, while the Rooster loudly calls us to awaken. The Rooster is the Herald of the New Dawn.

Year Surf Report

Solara’s 2017 Surf Report – Stepping In and Living True

2017 is a powerful year full of far reaching, seismic changes. It’s a year of ever growing transparency where much of the remaining residue of illusion will completely fall away. Mainstream institutions will continue to decline and collapse. We will experience a lot of upheaval and tricky situations in 2017 as myriad scenarios attempt to play themselves out all at once in just one year. Duality is making its final attempt to be accepted as real.

This year will be both deeply challenging and extremely liberating. All year long, we will be undergoing a massive RESET which will affect us deeply on all levels. The coal of our beings is turning into diamonds. By the end of the year, many of us will be on a new, vastly expanded level. We will no longer be able to engage in anything that isn’t True or Real. We will be profoundly altered and more authentic than ever before….